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Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
8 loving ways to show your kid you're the boss
Demanding. Bossy. Defiant. Sound familiar? Here's how to take back the lead with a kid who thinks they're running the show.

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Improving Family Communications
How can I improve communications in my family? Here are a few important ways to build healthy communication

Hoffstetter Counseling
10 min read
Staying Connected to Your Teen
By Dr. Laura Markham at #TeenLife #StayingClosetoYourTeen #Family #HoffstetterCounseling We need to rethink the old...

Hoffstetter Counseling
9 min read
Diagnosing ADHD: What you need to know
Is it ADHD or something else? Learn how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed in kids and adults.

Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
How to Talk to Your Child About Drugs and Alcohol
Deciding when and how to talk to kids about alcohol and drug use can be a big decision.

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Risk-taking and the Teen Brain
During adolescence, your child’s body matures and she becomes more self-sufficient and independent.

Hoffstetter Counseling
10 min read
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens....

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Eight Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Your Family
Research has found that having a sense of mindfulness, or the ability to be present and think before reacting, can provide children......

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Supporting Young Adult Goal-Setting and Self-Management
Self-management, or the ability to recognize your emotions and control the behaviors sparked by those emotions...

Hoffstetter Counseling
5 min read
Managing the Seemingly Inevitable Holiday Season Stress
While this season is meant to bring feelings of love and cheer, it’s also the harbinger of holiday stress for many. In fact, according to...

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
How to Avoid Spoiling Your Child
Parents who want to shape their children into people who are raised to be thankful, patient, have self-control, and are generally pleasant i

Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
Why You Should Let Your Kid Fail (Sometimes)
When our kids fail, it can feel like it’s our fault — that we as parents did something wrong. But when we ignore the cultural connotations..

Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
What Kids Learn from Your Marriage
By Jenna McCarthy Those little eyes and ears are picking up everything. Do you like what you and your husband are teaching? ...

Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
After-school restraint collapse is a real thing—here’s how to deal with it
There’s a reason your kid is an angel at school or daycare but a hot mess at home. It's called after-school restraint collapse. Here's how t

Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
Positive Parenting Your Tween
Parenting preteens, or tweens, can be a challenge. Discipline, school, homework, time with family -- everything is renegotiated.

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Why your kids need to get bored this summer
Here’s how you all can enjoy those 62 gloriously golden days of summer (even if you don’t have any vacation days or friends with cottages).

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
How to Handle Finding Disturbing Content on Your Teen's Phone
It is not uncommon for parents to monitor their teens' digital worlds. In fact, parents routinely keep tabs on their kids....

Hoffstetter Counseling
5 min read
How To Stop Sibling Rivalry: It Doesn’t Have to Drive You Crazy
For many parents, the sibling rivalry of childhood is manageable. But when puberty arrives, that can change.
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