Our Services
Counseling Services
Counseling is a process where you and a therapist discuss the issues you are facing and design a treatment plan that helps you achieve your desired goals. Your counselor doesn't have all the answers to your problems; rather, he or she works collaboratively with you to solve problems together, often by tapping into your own resources.
A formal mental health assessment is the first step in deciding if counseling is right for you. After your initial session, your therapist will guide you in deciding what specific problems you would like to work on, how many sessions you might need, and how often you should attend.
Our licensed therapists can provide counseling for a wide variety of issues and concerns. Check out our When to Seek Help page for a comprehensive list of concerns that might cause you to seek counseling.
Our mental health counseling services include:
Mental Health Assessments and Counseling
Couples Counseling
Premarital and Marital Enrichment
Child and Adolescent Counseling (ages 5 on up)
Family Counseling
Court Ordered Assessments and Counseling
You and your therapist can discuss which kind of counseling service is right for you.
Chemical Dependency Services
Are you wondering if you or a family member's drinking or drug use has become out of control? Has your substance use become destructive or resulted in legal problems? Have you alienated or lost friends and family due to your substance use? Our practice offers a full range of chemical dependency services for adolescents and adults to help answer these and other questions you might have, as well as guide you down a path of healthier living.
Chemical Dependency Assessments and Treatment
Court Ordered Chemical Dependency Assessments and Treatment
Addictions Psychoeducation
Family Counseling
Continuing Care for Recovering Individuals
OVI required Chemical Dependency Assessments
Identifying Alternative Coping Skills other than alcohol or drug use
Dual Diagnosis Assessments and Treatment
Our chemical dependency therapists have years of training and expertise with chemical dependency issues and will help you identify and treat your concerns. You and your therapist will also explore underlying mental health issues that may be causing you to drink and use drugs. Often, people use chemicals to cope with their underlying mental health issues and significant life changes such as:
Major depression
Social anxiety
Generalized anxiety
Mood swings
Grief and loss
Family stress
Anger outbursts
Job loss
Difficulty sleeping
Marital problems
Your therapist will show you new, more effective coping skills to help you treat BOTH your mental health AND your chemical dependency concerns.
Adult Diagnostic Assessments
A diagnostic assessment is a process where your counselor gives you a variety of testing techniques to help rule out major mental health or chemical dependency issues, to enhance treatment options, or clarify an existing diagnosis.
Formal diagnostic testing is often very helpful in shedding new light on an existing diagnosis, and it can often clear up multiple diagnoses from other mental health professionals. Diagnostic assessments are also beneficial when a client is feeling "stuck" in treatment; testing results can enhance treatment options and offer new insight on a current problem.
The assessment process is tailored to meet the needs of the client, and could include: chemical dependency assessment tools, ADD/ADHD testing, mood and anxiety screenings, personality testing, and other techniques designed specifically for your concerns.
Children's Social/Emotional Diagnostic Assessments
Often, a child will come to therapy after being referred by his or her school, pediatrician, or parents for various issues such as behavioral and emotional problems, difficulty concentrating and paying attention, hyperactivity, defiance and poor listening.
A child's behaviors can often be an indicator of underlying distress, a developmental issue, or other mental health related concern. A full battery of diagnostic testing can be completed to help identify the root cause of your child's behaviors and distress and offer valuable treatment recommendations.
Diagnostic assessments always include a face to face interview with you and your child and could also include ADD/ADHD testing, mood and anxiety screenings, personality testing, and other techniques specific to the needs of your child.
Additional Services
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)- for more information, click here emdria.org, or emdr.com. We have four therapists who specialize in EMDR: Renee Tareshawty, Kristin Seil, Linda Freund, and Dawnel Snyder.
Personality Testing
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Court ordered assessments and diagnostic testing
What is EMDR?
EMDR was founded by Francine Shapiro in 1987. EMDR is one of the most researched treatments for PTSD and is a distinct approach to psychotherapy.
EMDR is a technique used to treat anxiety, depression, panic and trauma. EMDR has helped millions of people of all ages get relief from many types of psychological stress that can be disruptive to coping with life’s challenges.
EMDR is based on the idea that symptoms occur when trauma and other negative experiences overwhelm the brain’s natural ability to heal. That healing process can be completed through bilateral stimulation so that the client is re-experiencing the trauma in the safety of their therapist’s office. Individuals can safely reprocess traumatic information through EMDR until it is no longer symptomatic and psychologically disruptive to their lives.
EMDR treatment can lead to a peaceful resolution of a disturbing memory and offers a release from the past traumatic memory. EMDR allows the natural healing powers of the brain to move toward adaptive resolution so that clients can make peace with their past.
Additional information about EMDR and how it works can be found in this article: EMDR Therapy for Anxiety, Panic, PTSD, and Trauma by John Riddle.