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Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
How Poor Communication Causes Stress
Relationships—both romantic and platonic—at their best, can be one of the strongest sources of happiness and stress relief, offering.....

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
12 ways to keep your brain young
Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline is common, and it's one of the most feared.....

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
The Negative Impact of Sugar on the Brain
The brain uses more energy than any other organ in the human body and glucose is its primary source of fuel. But what happens when....

Hoffstetter Counseling
11 min read
Anger Management: Is your temper hijacking your life?
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, neither good nor bad. Like any emotion, it conveys a message, telling you that a situation is upsetting,

Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
8 loving ways to show your kid you're the boss
Demanding. Bossy. Defiant. Sound familiar? Here's how to take back the lead with a kid who thinks they're running the show.

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Improving Family Communications
How can I improve communications in my family? Here are a few important ways to build healthy communication

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Your Child's Self Esteem- Why it's so important
Self-esteem helps kids cope with mistakes. It helps kids try again, even if they fail at first. As a result, self-esteem helps kids do....

Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
Peaceful Parenting Your Preteen
Even if you have an easy child, parenting a preteen can be a challenge. Discipline, school, homework, time with family -- everything is rene

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Are You a Different Parent to Each Child?
How Birth Order, Special Needs, and Gender Influence Parenting

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Dealing With a Disrespectful Teen Who Talks Back
By Amy Morin, LCSW #teenagelife #teenagers #healthyteens #HoffstetterCounseling Teens can be verbally impulsive by nature. However,...

Hoffstetter Counseling
10 min read
Staying Connected to Your Teen
By Dr. Laura Markham at #TeenLife #StayingClosetoYourTeen #Family #HoffstetterCounseling We need to rethink the old...

Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
12 Ways to Become a More Authoritative Parent
By Amy Morin, LCSW at #Parenting #AuthoritativeParent #RaisingResponsibleKids #HoffstetterCounseling There isn’t a...

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
8 Essential Strategies for Raising a Confident Teen
Kids who seemed confident throughout childhood may struggle to maintain self-assurance during the teen years. For many, adolescence is...

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Use Crisis to Connect More Deeply with Your Child
Life is full of tough conversations with our kids, whether that’s explaining to your four year old why Grandma died, a bullied child....

Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
Ways to Encourage and Celebrate Your Child's Uniqueness
Yes, sometimes we probably wish our vibrant, defiant preschooler would revert back to their rosy-cheeked baby self, but the truth is....

Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Top 10 Reasons Teens Go to Therapy
From mood swings to school issues, all teens have problems. But sometimes, a teen's distress might rise to a level where it's important...

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
Couples Therapy: Does It Really Work?
How to predict your chances of success in couples counseling. If you are considering couples counseling but unsure about whether it will...

Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
The Psychological Concepts That Make You Better at Breaking Bad Habits
Most of the things you do each day are based on habit: The way you run through the steps of getting ready in the morning, the route....

Hoffstetter Counseling
2 min read
The Connection Between PTSD and Domestic Violence
Researchers have found a link between post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) and domestic violence.  Intimate partner abuse happens more tha

Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
8 Myths About the Brain
While researchers are still uncovering the secrets of how the brain works, they have discovered plenty of information about what goes on....
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