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Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
What foods are good for helping depression?
Depression affects many people, and it can be life changing. Medical treatment and counseling can often help relieve symptoms, but...
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
How Poor Communication Causes Stress
Relationships—both romantic and platonic—at their best, can be one of the strongest sources of happiness and stress relief, offering.....
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
12 ways to keep your brain young
Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline is common, and it's one of the most feared.....
Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
The Negative Impact of Sugar on the Brain
The brain uses more energy than any other organ in the human body and glucose is its primary source of fuel. But what happens when....
Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
8 loving ways to show your kid you're the boss
Demanding. Bossy. Defiant. Sound familiar? Here's how to take back the lead with a kid who thinks they're running the show.
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Improving Family Communications
How can I improve communications in my family? Here are a few important ways to build healthy communication
Hoffstetter Counseling
5 min read
Managing Your Own Emotions: The Key to Positive, Effective Parenting
By Claire Lerner #parenting#happyfamily#parentreactions This article discusses the influence parental reactions have on young...
Hoffstetter Counseling
4 min read
How to Find Harmony When Parents Disagree
Parenting is complex work. Each day, we make countless decisions about what kids eat, how to get them to sleep, how much screen time to allo
Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
How to Improve Your Self-Control
Self-control is the ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achie
Hoffstetter Counseling
10 min read
Staying Connected to Your Teen
By Dr. Laura Markham at #TeenLife #StayingClosetoYourTeen #Family #HoffstetterCounseling We need to rethink the old...
Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
12 Ways to Become a More Authoritative Parent
By Amy Morin, LCSW at #Parenting #AuthoritativeParent #RaisingResponsibleKids #HoffstetterCounseling There isn’t a...
Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
12 Ways to Be Thankful
Learning how to see with the heart–shifting perspectives ever so slightly–is easier once you learn how to talk to yourself and to others.
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Giving Kids Chores That Are Right for Their Age
As with so many things in parenting, you’ll get what you put in. By taking the time to help your young child get into the habit of helping.
Hoffstetter Counseling
7 min read
What Are the Signs of a Midlife Crisis?
People who are having a midlife crisis are thought to be struggling with their own mortality and, somewhere during midlife, they ditch.....
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
Use Crisis to Connect More Deeply with Your Child
Life is full of tough conversations with our kids, whether that’s explaining to your four year old why Grandma died, a bullied child....
Hoffstetter Counseling
3 min read
The Powerful Cognitive Effects of Storytelling
The art of storytelling has long been a respected skill and an important tradition in many cultures. Over the course of history,...
Hoffstetter Counseling
5 min read
What is psychotherapy? What to expect and how it works
Psychotherapy can provide help with a range of problems, from depression and low self-esteem to addiction and family disputes. Anyone who is
Hoffstetter Counseling
5 min read
The Hidden Stressors of Technology You Should Be Aware Of
The technology age has given us access to abundant information, has simplified many aspects of our lives, and has even improved our......
Hoffstetter Counseling
2 min read
The Importance of Family Mealtime
For many, family mealtime has been lost in our over scheduled lives. For many families, school, work schedules and extracurricular...
Hoffstetter Counseling
6 min read
The Psychological Concepts That Make You Better at Breaking Bad Habits
Most of the things you do each day are based on habit: The way you run through the steps of getting ready in the morning, the route....
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